If you stuck on Cydia reloading data and confuse to pick up right jailbreak apps for your iPhone, iPad Mini, iPad Air or iPad Pro, we’ve picked up 150+ top Cydia Apps and jailbreak hacks for you.
I can understand how difficult it is to choose best tweak for your iPhone. I’m like you and therefore, to make it easy for you, I installed all these Cydia tweaks on my iPhone 6 Plus and selected the best jailbreak apps from them.
It’s really tough to give description for all 150+ Cydia apps, so, please try to search on Google about each of them, if you like. It’s my job to provide you list of best out of best Cydia apps here on our blog.
You can give description from yourself, if you’re already using that iPhone app, it would be helpful for me and for our readers. I can’t say how I’m feeling to list up those must have tweaks here on Cydia iOS 9 blog.
Below is the list of those 150+ must have jailbreak tweaks for your iPhone and iPad…
- Zeppelin
- JellyLock
- BattSaver
- CyDelete
- Appheads
- Icleaner Pro
- Stealth cam
- Killbackground
- Eclipse
- Bridge
- Flux
- CallBar
- CameraTweak
- ReachApp
- TetherMe
- VirtualHome
- Ignition iOS
- CCSettings
- AnyDrop
- VolumeSlider
- LockGlyph
- iAppLock
- AutoTouch
- Vine++
- SwipeSelection
- Reachability
- iFile
- Cylinder
- BerryC9
- Icon Renamer
- MultiDelete
- Spectral
- SwipeForMore
- Clex
- Barrel
- AppelLocker
- Winterboard
- Aeternum
- Springtomize
- Vertex
- Apex
- Segue
- BytaFont
- TetherMe
- Predix
- Guestmode
- OSLite9
- Miniplayer
- Appelancy
- BioProtect
- Dye
- AlienBlue++
- WeatherPeek
- Camrix
- Cobalia
- DetailedBatteryUsage
- BackupAZ
- ConvoPics
- Auxo
- Resring8
- TapSpring
- CacheClearer
- HideMe8
- Confero
- Pheromone
- nobar+
- UntetheredHeySiri
- Lockspeed
- Kodi
- CCControls
- NoSlowAnimations
- BerryC8
- Couria
- StatusVolX
- Wink
- Almpoum
- Activator
- OpenSSH
- BounceNotify
- Cydia Impactor
- TypeStatus
- Sleekcode
- LockGlyph
- Fuse
- Facebook++
- Skrollerz
- SwipeSelection
- Dim
- Alkaline
- NoSlowAnimation
- ConvoPics
- ClassicDock
- Savegram
- Locationfaker
- SBflip
- PrefDelete
- 3G unrestricted
- Spectral
- StatusHUD
- PriorityHUb
- CustomMessages
- Powertap
- weatherboard
- TimePasscode
- Snoverlay
- PowerInformer
- Lyric for Music
- StopSend
- ForceGoodFit
- Air Traffic Control
- CirDock
- ControlPane
- CroppingScreen
- CameraModes
- DoubleCut
- EqualizerEverywhere
- Badgomizer
- CalcBase
- Asos
- LyricForMusic
- PrefDelete
- WatchDog Lite
- NotificationKeeper
- Protean
- Wallmart
- TypingPrivacy
- TinyBar
- Safari Uploader
- UpScale
- Centrum
- KeyCommands
- FailSafe
- Locus
- HandyKey
- NoRecentlyDeleted
- colorY0urBoard
- Senddelay
- IfFound
- ShowCase
- NoTouchCancelReply
- Tage
- MyWi
- UpNext
- IntelliScreenX
- BiteSMS
- Carpe Diem
- Maps opener
- vShare
- MovieBox
- PopCorn Time
You can request your own favorite Cydia tweak in the list of best Cydia apps. I’ve target to put all the top jailbreak tweaks in this article with your support.
You can suggest Cydia tweaks via comments…